“Social-emotional learning through play:
Helping children stay connected in times of challenges”
Result Announcement Online Symposium
Date: 22 February 2022 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
Language: Cantonese (English with Chinese subtitles for Keynote Speech One)
Mode: Online
Enquiry: Tel: +852 4610 2400 / Email: jcplayngain@hku.hk

We are honoured to have Professor Nirmala Rao, Faculty of Education, HKU and Dr Patrick Ip, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU to be the keynote speakers. Their speeches will highlight the importance of interactive play in children 's learning and health.
The symposium will also feature three workshops with the following themes:
How to use games as an intervention for enhancing parent-child communication and relationship
Practical ideas for fostering home-school collaboration and playful teaching with school-based examples of play education practices
How social play interactions can break boundaries and bring people together
Opening Remarks
By Dr Sylvia LIU,
Project Director, Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project
Opening Address by Guest of Honour
By Mrs CHAN SIU Suk-fan,
Deputy Secretary, Education Bureau, HKSAR
Keynote Speech 1
Supporting Playful Learning in the Early Years: Challenges and Opportunities in the COVID-19 era
By Professor Nirmala RAO
Workshop 1
Better Parent-child Communication Through Play
By Ms Denise POON,
Lead Trainer, Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project
Workshop 2
Be Play-ready and Teach with Ease
By Ms Phoebe HUI,
Training Manager, Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project
Workshop 3
Play, connect and have fun: How it works for society
By Ms Cecilia LEE,
Community Service Manager, Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project
Keynote Speech 2
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Socio-Emotional Development of Children: Challenges and Opportunities
By Dr Patrick IP
Closing Remarks
By Dr Sylvia LIU,
Project Director, Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project
About the Speaker(s)
Professor Nirmala Rao
Nirmala Rao is Serena H C Yang Professor in Early Childhood Development and Education, Chair Professor of Child Development and Education, and Director of the Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Development and Education (CORE), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Her research on early childhood development and education in Asian cultural contexts has been recognised internationally. Professor Rao has conducted research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child and adolescent development around the world.

Dr Patrick Ip
Dr Patrick Ip, Paediatrician, Clinician Scientist and Clinical Associate Professor at HKU with expertise in Child Health and Development. Dr Ip has been awarded the Hong Kong Humanity Award in 2020, Outstanding Asian Paediatrician in 2022 and is the President of The Hong Kong Paediatric Society.
Dr Ip will speak on Social-Emotional Development and Health of Children and how they may have been impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. In his Keynote Lecture, Dr Ip will explain why interactive play is an effective means for parents to communicate and bond with their children and what adverse effects may result if this parental role is not fulfilled.