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衞生署發表使用互聯網及電子屏幕產品對健康的影響報告 (2014.7.8)

「公共衞生議題:過度使用互聯網、電腦、智能電話及同類電子產品」研討會 (2016.9.9)

世衞會議檢視過度使用互聯網及電子裝置引致的公共衞生問題 (2016.9.9)




Chau, L., Yuen, M., Chan, P., Liu, S., Chan, K., Lee, D., & Hsieh, W. Y. (2022). Play-based parent training programme supporting Hong Kong kindergarten children in social competence development. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 1-14.


Yuen, M., Liu, S., Chan, P.S.F., Lau, A., Cheung, V., Hsieh, W.-Y., & Lee, D. (2017). “No Play No Gain” Kindergarten Social Emotional Learning Project: Research Summary and Tables. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education.


Liu, S., Yuen, M., Hsieh, W.-Y., Lee, D., Poon, D., Lau, A. & Cheung, V. (2016).  Play Competence Checklist (PCC). Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education.  


Yuen, M., Liu, S., Lau, A., Hsieh, W.-Y., Lee, D., Poon, D., & Cheung, V. (2016). Adult Attitudes towards Nurturing Children's Play Competence Scale (AANCPCS). Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education.  


Liu, S., Yuen, M. & Hsieh, W.-Y. (2016 July). Training parents in playing group games with children in mainstream classroom. Presentation for the Symposium on Collaborative Efforts in Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs. Summer Workshop on Disability Rights and Equality. Hong Kong, China: University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education & Faculty of Education Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education.  July 18-20 2016


Liu, S., Yuen, M. & Rao, N. (2015). A play-based programme (Pillars of Society) to foster social skills of high-ability and average ability Primary-one students in Hong Kong. Gifted Education International, 33 (3), 210-231. doi 10.1177/0261429415581221

Liu, S., Yuen, M. & Rao, N. (2015). Outcomes for young children’s social status from playing group games: Experiences from a primary school in Hong Kong. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 25(2), 217–244. doi 10.1017/jgc.2015.4 

廖秀卿 (2010). 兒童學管理・學管理兒童. Hong Kong: 平衡智能.


由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助、香港大學教育學院 融合與特殊教育研究發展中心推行的賽馬會「玩學相長」計劃 (2018年9月至2022年2月),是一個社交情緒學習項目,並源自於一項已有效實施了十多年的社交能力影響研究計劃。賽馬會「玩學相長」計劃旨在支援家長和教師成為變革推動者,透過在不同環境中進行的面對面互動遊戲,促進孩子的社交技能和情感發展。項目已在幼稚園進行,並推廣至家庭和社區。


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