About Us
The Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project is funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and implemented by the Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE) in the Faculty of Education of The University of Hong Kong. The Project is a social-emotional learning project, derived from a research-based social competence programme that has been used effectively for more than a decade since 2004. The Project aims to support parents and teachers as change agents in fostering social skills and emotional development of young children through playing face-to-face interactive games in different settings. The Project begins in kindergarten and has been extending to family and the community.
Project Background
According to the research report released by the Hong Kong Department of Health in 2014, over-use of the internet and digital devices would affect the social-emotional development of children. Hence, Centre for Advancement of Special and Inclusive Education (CAISE), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong started research on improving children’s social-emotional learning by promoting face-to-face interactive game. Dr Sylvia Liu, Project Director, will work on this aspect with her solid experience on implementing social-emotional learning project for more than a decade since 2004 and her research model “Social Star Mirror Model” (「社交閃星星」學習概念模型 ) interactive group game learning approach (Liu,2015).

Project Concept
"Play n Gain"
is a happy language used for communication
Play has been adopted as a motivating pedagogy for children to learn how to play, and to learn through play
The project focuses on promoting interactive games to facilitate children, their peers, parents and teachers to play, learn and grow together in their daily lives and in the kindergarten settings
Children will naturally gain socio-emotional skills when they are engaged in different kinds of interactive games. When parents and teachers play with children, not only the parent-child, teacher-student connectedness and mutual-understanding would be boosted, but the adult could also be able to reconnect with their innate joy, sensitivity, and playfulness as a child. Eventually, advanced social-emotional skills could be nurtured among all parties by learning through play, a time of joy for everyone to grow together
When parents, teachers and children play together, not only the teacher-student and parent-kid connectedness and inspiration will be boosted, but they can really learning through play since they will know how to improve their social - emotional skills
The objective of the project is to provide kindergarten teachers and parents of school children with professional training, practical skills, training kits and evaluation on game education. It helps schools train teachers and parents acquiring skills on applying interactive games systematically in order to enhance the social-emotional learning and development of children. In practice, teachers in kindergartens will integrate interactive games into their daily teaching activities; parents in the family will guide their children on how to play at home; the children will apply the social skills they learned through games during free play and daily lives.

Project Logo
Heart as a child・Joy

The idea of project logo is derived from a lollipop. The initials of the project name “P” and “G” are inscribed in the lollipop image. “G” is surrounded by “P” that it brings about the idea of “Gain when Play”, brings out the idea of learning how to play, and to learn through play.
The seven-colour rainbow in the logo symbolizes HOPE: playing and learning should be a thrilling adventure to be expected wholeheartedly. We would like to arouse the feelings of being energetic, optimistic and happy while each child could gain social-emotional abilities and parents, teachers. The logo outline remains simple that even children could draw our logo with ease with their companions, so the children could experience further bonded relationships together with their growth.
There is a star on the logo which refers to an important stakeholder of the project: children. Every child is a star. Every unique spectacular star would shine among the others when the children interact with each other. The star also represent “Social Star Mirror Model’’ model (「社交閃星星」學習概念模型) (Liu, 2015) established and implemented by Dr Sylvia Liu. The stick of the lollipop is actually a magic wand. The project will be fully charged with the positive energy given by different stakeholders. Let’s play together and witness the magic of the unlimited possibilities of blossoming children.
Contact Us
Phone/ WhatsApp
(852) 4610 2400
Room 504, Meng Wah Complex
Faculty of Education,
The University of Hong Kong